Protecting Our Air, Water, and Quality of Life.

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We work to protect NC’s environment and promote solutions for a safer, healthier state.

Our Affiliates

We are a statewide network of over 60 environmental, community and environmental justice organizations focused on protecting North Carolina’s environment and public health.

Our vision: Diverse groups engage in environmental policy decision-making at all levels of government—creating a North Carolina committed to improving and protecting the state’s vast natural resources. Our state is steadfast in adopting anti-racist policies that address environmental justice and lead to equitable, healthy, and sustainable communities.

A just future for all North Carolinians

We are inspired by the work happening in communities historically impacted by inequities and environmental injustices, and are working to support those efforts to move NC into a more equitable future. To find out more about our equity-related programs, click the link below.

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Connect With Us

234 Fayetteville Street | 5th Floor
Raleigh, North Carolina 27601

All contents © 2019 North Carolina Conservation Network.

Website by Walk West

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